Several new laws in Missouri are taking effect

Several new laws in Missouri are taking effect

JOPLIN, Mo. — Traditionally, August 28 is the date most new laws take effect in Missouri.

This year, those new laws cover a wide range of issues and topics, including education, abortion funding and veteran suicide — something especially important to Army veteran and Missouri state representative Bob Bromley.

“We’ve been through a lot of good things for veterans. We want to make Missouri one of the best states in the United States for veterans to return to, so we passed a bill that would come with some programs that would help prevent suicide,” said Bromley, who represents the District Missouri. 162.

Meanwhile, Senate Bill 727 is a major education package that will increase funding for public schools.

“It really has something there for everyone. For our traditional K-12 public schools, eventually and fully implemented, it will mean about another half a billion dollars, $500 million a year in the basic formula, which is how we fund our public schools.” , said Missouri State Representative Dirk Deaton of the 159th District.

On abortion funding, Republicans succeeded in passing House Bill 2634. Co-sponsored by Rep. Bromley, the bill targets Planned Parenthood and prevents providers from receiving state funds such as Medicaid reimbursements.

“I don’t think anyone wants Planned Parenthood to get taxpayer money, so this year Rep. Smith of Carthage sponsored a bill that would basically prevent any public money from going to any facility that performs abortions ,” said Rep. Bromley.

Perhaps one of the most notable of all the Missouri laws coming into effect is “Blair’s Law.” What was once Senate Bill 754, the legislation aims to crack down on reckless or celebratory gunfire.

“This legislation, among other things, makes it a criminal offense where you can’t shoot indiscriminately, and if someone is going to do that and someone gets hurt, there should be additional consequences for that,” Rep. Deaton said.

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