Phoenix Readers present ‘Banned Besties’ – Salisbury Post

Phoenix Readers present ‘Banned Besties’ – Salisbury Post

Phoenix Readers present ‘Banned Besties’

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 5, 2024

SALISBURY — Phoenix Readers is made up of folks over 55 years of age who love words and, therefore, books. Alarmed at the number of books banned in the United States — over 4,000 — the group has selected a few to share in their newest program, “Banned Besties.” This half-hour presentation is available now, free of charge, to school groups, churches, retirement centers, organizations, libraries, festivals, book clubs, etc.

To arrange for a performance, contact Shanna Glawson at Art & Soul Rowan at 704-647-0999; or Linda Jones at 704-212-2164.

Snippets of text from titles including “Fahrenheit 451,” “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” “The Lorax,” and “To Kill A Mockingbird” are just a few of those selected for this show .

Twelve actors make up two casts of six actors each: Mark Curran, Ray Davies, Buddy Farnan, Trent Wilson, Shawn Van Wallendael, Duane Galloway, Becky Porter, Gretchen Tracy, Beth Cook, Linda Jones, Anne Wilson and Lori Van Wallendael. Donna Prunkl conceived and directs the show.

Phoenix Readers has entertained Rowan County and surrounding communities since Jim Epperson founded it in 2015. In addition to this program, the group’s repertoire includes other programs built around specific themes, such as holidays, “Southern Folk Tales,” “Oh, The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss,” “A Patriot’s Songbook” (patriotic songs), as well as programs featuring poetry of specific poets.

The acting style of readers theater is a fusion of traditional acting and reading techniques. Scripts are read, and physical action is mostly restricted to gestures, facial expression and limited movement. The name, Phoenix Readers, is borrowed from the mythological Greek bird who rose out of the ashes, for like the phoenix, these talented and experienced actors are all seniors.

The Phoenix Readers is sponsored by Art & Soul Rowan.